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Not Rated
Copyright 1986 Little Zack Productions
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Steven - He moved to this quiet town and opened a video rental business, only now is he noticing his customers' strange taste in movies.
  • Rachel - Steven's wife, I kept waiting for her to peck through a door or something.
  • Rick - Young man who works for Steven, not the most alive person when the movie ends.
  • The Police Chief - He sounds just like the stereotypical southern county sheriff, oddly enough, this is New Jersey.
  • Howard and Eli - The most creative and productive of the amateur snuff film makers.
  • Joanna Barker - Concerned outsider or poisoned carrot?

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The Plot: 

Independent films are much like a grab bag for me, unfortunately the grab bag usually has a very large and annoyed snapping turtle in it. With a good deal of pleasure (and all my fingers) I present this film for your consideration.

Trouble begins for Steven when a tape is "accidentally" dropped off at his store, because the movie is not just a recording of Monday Night Football, it is a gory murder! Rick even claims to recognize the man being decapitated on the tape. Horrified, Steven rushes out to get the Chief of Police while Rick guards the store, but when he returns with the law enforcement representative the store is unlocked, his employee is nowhere to be found, and the tape has been switched with a dumb home video of playing children.

The true story becomes apparent to viewers long before our doomed characters, they have moved to a town where the populace videotapes the killing of outsiders or anyone trying to leave. That is why so many people have VCRs in this backwater town, they watch home movies of people being killed. Multiple scenes were placed in the film to illustrate this, whether it be the young couple killed in the deli or some hapless woman tied up and killed after hitching a ride. All of them under the unblinking eye of Howard's cam.

Swallowing the idea that a very large group of people would degenerate into this sort of behavior is a problem, along with Steven and Rachel's headlong dash to stop another murder (or so they thought). The film has a plot though and the acting, especially the main characters, is far above par for this sort of effort.

All the gore is accomplished by way of stuff like a butcher knife with a crescent cut into it or a razor that leaks blood from the blade. Still, it is effective and shot to minimize the weak points. It is not a great film by any stretch of the imagination, but Hollywood has spent far more to do far worse.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Some men find women more attractive when they are bleeding. (No I don't mean... ...forget it - you're disgusting.)
  • Hedge trimmers will cut through a person's wrist.
  • If your employee is missing you should check the trash for his dismembered body.
  • Removing a shirt is no problem when scissors are handy.
  • Sometimes spelling involves an ice pick.
  • If you run an arm through a deli slicer it looks just like baloney.
  • Human heads make some fine soup stock.
  • Women are full of spaghetti.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 13 mins - Man with a beard and wearing a flannel shirt, obviously a murdering psychopath.
  • 25 mins - Salisbury steak, no wonder he isn't hungry.
  • 34 mins - She has a severe case of "mid 1980's head."
  • 49 mins - Stick your thumbs in his eyes Rick! Gouge! Kick! No, don't die you idiot...
  • 54 mins - The section with Rick's murder was eighty seconds in length, the Police Chief only recorded over fifty seconds of that.
  • 68 mins - After a hard day's work he likes to sit down to a nice iced tea and a snuff film.
  • 93 mins - Drive to the nearest State Police Station you idiots. Nevermind, don't listen to me, but I'll still be alive in five minutes.

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note vidviolence1.wav Steven: "One of my club members is a psychotic killer and we've got his tape!"
Green Music Note vidviolence2.wav Steven and a female customer discussing a violent film.
Green Music Note vidviolence3.wav Police Chief: "Jesus Christ Emery! I have had enough of this bullshit!"
Green Music Note vidviolence4.wav Howard: "Cut it clean, and then take it to the slicer and give me a half a pound of arm!"
Green Music NoteTheme Song Listen to a clip from the soundtrack.

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 



 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clipvidviolence1.mpg - 2.4m
This would be one of the unfortunate travelers who stopped in to the deli looking for some snacks and directions. First I think they should "head" that way, then "head" over that way, and finally "head" on out that a way.

I really need to work on my puns.

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