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Links to more sites for those who appreciate "other than fine" film.
EXCELLENT! Cold Fusion Video Reviews - Nathan's home on the web is a palace among b-movie lovers. He focuses on a lot of stuff that usually cruises below the radar, like direct-to-video and independent films. The site is looking better every day. Winner of the Legion of Muck Award for April 2000 - June 2000.
EXCELLENT! Cinema Suicide - Bryan White's b-movie blog publishes a great mix of b-movie news and reviews. Most of time, I stick to movie review sites, but Bryan has a knack for writing interesting stories that run the full gauntlet of cult films. Winner of the Legion of Muck Award for April 2008 - June 2008.
EXCELLENT! Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension - This site is one of the best bad movie reviewers out there, expect IN DEPTH (Can you believe about half a dozen pages picking apart Johnny Mnemonic?) reviews of some truly horrid films accompanied by pictures. There is a first rate bulletin board to post your own thoughts and this is a good place to get information about B-Fest. (The marathon bad movie festival in Chicago.) Winner of the Legion of Muck Award for January 2000 - March 2000.
EXCELLENT! Bad Cinema Diary - Brief and amusing reviews for a range of movies, including a horde of older schlock. Bruce has some pictures (with amusing "naughty bits" boxes over nudity) and adds several films around the 15th of each month. Winner of the Legion of Muck for January 1999 - March 1999.
EXCELLENT! Shadow's B-Movie Graveyard - Pulled from their unnatural slumber, movies are subjected to detailed review and critique. Shadow loves the older films, so one page will feature the likes of "Invisible Invaders," while another revels in the cheese that is "Reptilicus." He puts a massive amount of effort into each article and has a knack for finding amusing screenshots that illustrate his writing. Winner of the Legion of Muck Award for April 2007 - June 2007.
EXCELLENT! wtfFilm - Kevin's interest covers a wide range of films and he does something special in many of his reviews: he provides detailed information about the source material used for the review, even comparing different releases. The site's layout is very clean and the writing is well done. This is a nice resource to use when you are trying to decide about where to spend your monthly cult DVD budget. Winner of the Legion of Muck for October 2007 - December 2007.
EXCELLENT! The B-Movie Film Vault - Jordan has been reviewing films for a number of years and was involved in creating the Rogue Reviewers. The site looks a lot like (it is my site's illegitimate child). However, Jordan's writing style is different and you can see the divergent evolution. A number of reviews are still locked away in the archives, but they are being updated and posted to the new site whenever Jordan has the free time. Winner of the Legion of Muck for July 2007 - September 2007.
EXCELLENT! Post Apocalypse Films - I love the idea of a website that is dedicated to post apocalyptic films. Not only does this allow the writer to compare and contrast different movies, but there are a lot of films that fit the description. Michael and his companion Nate have been delivering a steady supply of reviews and interviews from after the apocalypse, so click the link and check it out. Winner of the Legion of Muck for January 2008 - March 2008.
EXCELLENT! The Rogue Reviewers - Home to an impressive cadre of reviewers dedicated to movies that are cult, low budget, and just plain bad. Stop by for a directory of the member sites. They participate in cooperative roundtables, IRC movie chats, and publish a monthly bad movie ezine full of reviews and interviews. Winner of the Legion of Muck for June 2006 - September 2006.
EXCELLENT! William Girdler - Simply amazing website chronicling the film career of a low budget hero, the director of such films as "Grizzly" and The Manitou. The layout is beautiful and there are pages (upon pages) of background information, interviews, and reviews. In the future big shot directors will have websites like this, but for now the reigning champion is a b-movie legend who died tragically in a helicopter crash. Winner of the Legion of Muck for April 2001 - June 2001.
EXCELLENT! The Bad Movie Report - Dr. Freex loves to watch movies that would kill lesser men and yet his reviews are strangely poetic. Here you can expect reviews of some frightful films, some amusing articles he has written, and the mailbag. (any website who has a slogan of, "Face It, We Love Crap" is a blast) Winner of the Legion of Muck Award for October 1999 - December 1999.

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Lesson Learned:
  • Osmosis: os·mo·sis (oz-mo'sis, os-) n., 1. When a bird eats something.

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