The goal of any movie is to entertain. This might sound strange, but who cares if a movie is poorly acted and filled with ridiculous special effects? What matters is if the movie keeps you entertained. The site's whole reason for being is to celebrate the quirky films that I find so enjoyable. Well, most of them are enjoyable. Some of the movies I watch cause me quite a bit of pain, but I love them anyway. Since we always hurt the ones we love, I will assume that the movies are loving me right back.
It all began in 1998 when I realized that there had to be others who loved the same kind of movies that I did. While everyone else was talking about the latest Hollywood blockbuster, I was telling them about low budget horror films, silly science fiction movies, absurd action flicks, and other cinematic attempts that defied categorization - movies that were just plain weird. The problem was finding other b-movie and cult film fanatics. Perhaps, just perhaps mind you, a website was the perfect way for people with an unusual hobby to indulge themselves. Badmovies.org was born on 22 June 1998.
Amusingly, my son Garrett was born on 22 June 2007, the website's 9th anniversary. No, I did not plan it that way.
There are quite a few guest reviews written by readers, but most of the articles came from my keyboard. This has always been a very personal endeavor. I want to share watching the movie with you, for the reviews to seem like you and I are watching it together. Both of us point out stuff that we noticed, make fun of bad acting, point out "Lessons Learned," and generally just have a lot of fun. For more than a decade, I have been watching and writing, watching and writing, and always hoping that what I am typing will be helpful to someone. It would be great if they decided to watch the movie, even just to appreciate how truly bad it really is, but, at the least, if I can give someone a good laugh, then all is well.
The good thing is that, over the years, my writing has improved from what I learned earning my PhD (Public High School Diploma). The great thing is that, over the years, the site has allowed me to speak with so many other fans of bad movies. Every month hundreds of thousands of visitors stop in to read the reviews. Hundreds of thousands! I had no idea when I started that it would ever go this far. My wife likes to remind me of what I said when the site was brand new; it was something along these lines: "I don't know if anybody will read any of this, but I hope somebody will."
At first, I paid for the site's upkeep out of my pocket. The cost was around $180 a month for the server, and that was not small change for a young Marine. However, eventually I needed to find a way for Badmovies.org to support itself, and I began placing advertisements on the site. What I love to see is movie-related advertisements. Those fit in perfectly; I wish there were more of them. I really like the Amazon.com links to purchase the movies, because it supports the site, and the person buying the film is getting something they want.
Oh, I do not allow pop-ups, pop-unders, interstitials ("Click here to skip this ad"), or other intrusive advertisements. If you encounter one of them on the site, the usual culprit is adware on your computer, but on rare occassions a "bad ad" does slip through. Please let me know if you see one.
Maintaining Badmovies.org is a lot of work. It is not unusual for me to spend more than thirty hours a week writing, answering emails, and performing behind-the-scenes administration on the server. I am still an active duty Marine, and now the father of three very active children, and I do have to sleep every now and then. Meaning that, from time to time, keeping up with everything is a monster, but I love movies. I love good movies, bad movies, cult movies - you name it - I love movies. One of my simple pleasures is to relax on the couch and watch a movie. It does not matter if it is a silver screen classic, a Mexican lucha libre flick, a cheesy science fiction movie, or, best of all, a monster on a rampage film. I love watching movies, and I love watching them with my friends.
Let's watch some movies.
Badmovies.org is owned and operated by Andrew Borntreger. All original content is © 1998 - 2014 by its respective author(s). Image, video, and audio files are used in accordance with Fair Use, and are property of the film copyright holders. You may freely link to any page (.html or .php) on this website, but reproduction in any other form must be authorized by the copyright holder. |