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Not Rated
Copyright 1962 American International Pictures
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Brigadier General Grayson - Gruff American officer assigned to locate and destroy Reptilicus.
  • Professor Martin - Scientist in charge of studying the remains, advocate of destroying the beast after it eats his buddy.
  • Doctor Dolby - Martin's buddy, narcoleptic who ends up monster chow. (Danish flavor!)
  • Captain Brandt - Military liaison to Grayson, saves the day by getting mashed under several tons of prehistoric snake.
  • Lisa and Karen - Martin's daughters, I have a feeling they weren't allowed to date much during high schoo1.
  • Mrs. Miller - Female scientist.
  • Peterson - Autistic Neanderthal dressed in overalls, where did they get this guy?
  • Reptilicus - The most dangerous two hundred feet of rubber snake which ever menaced a small country in Europe.

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The Plot: 

So you wanted to know about the meanest thing to ever come out of Denmark huh? Well here it is, two hundred feet of slime spitting, farmer eating, and model building wrecking snake. Which isn't really the main attraction for the first half hour, that would be Peterson. Who in the heck dropped him down the steps as a baby? Not only does he wander around (Apparently in a quest to discover fire.) the guy decides to view his lunch under a microscope (Never a good idea with active microbes and all.) and also decides to "play" with the electric eel. Okay, enough on him, there's a huge snake puppet to talk about. Seems that copper miners found the remains of a monster which had been frozen for millions of years in arctic permafrost. Nevermind that it appears to be rural Georgia during spring where they are mining, nor that the ground is soft and obviously not frozen, it's millions of years old. A length of the tail is carted back to Copenhagen, where a newspaper reporter coins the name during a press conference. (Hehehe!) During studies the freezing room door is left open, rather than decomposing the tail section begins to rapidly regenerate in a whole creature! One stormy night it fully awakens and breaks free, that's when General Grayson is called in to find and destroy the beast. As usual tanks and bombs are no match for latex, the creature rampages through the city. You seriously have to see the HORRID special effects when Reptilicus spits "acid slime" at people, it's a wave of colorized green stuff washing over the entire movie frame. Lucky for the military Professor Martin's daughters mix up a special batch of tranquilizer to incapacitate the creature, leaving it helpless for disposal. The horrid beast is fantastically amusing, it's mouth barely moves and most of the effects are easily recreated with a two dollar rubber snake from the toy store filmed in slow motion.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • High above the arctic circle it's always springtime.
  • Fossils bleed.
  • European girls don't get enough lovin'.
  • Flesh frozen at negative twenty degrees is supple and easy to cut.
  • Deli food is full of water fleas.
  • Danish lounge singers shouldn't croon in English.
  • Depth charges cause heart attacks.
  • When there is a people chomping sea monster on the loose stay off the beach.
  • Special effects have come a long way since 1962.
  • Giant monsters are always attracted to Japanese architecture, even in Europe they will find and destroy a pagoda.
  • Generals are crack shots with a bazooka.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 3 mins - Spring! It's spring in the artic!
  • 6 mins - What do you mean it makes sense?
  • 8 mins - Guess they haven't invented those "DO NOT TAP ON THE GLASS" signs.
  • 13 mins - What are you anyway, a retarded caveman?
  • 26 mins - What in the heck? Mom! Moron is playing with the electric eel! Now he woke up the monster!
  • 29 mins - Suddenly I want to visit Copenhagen... ...must visit... ...Copenhagen...
  • 41 mins - There it is, behind those models! (Hehehe!)
  • 58 mins - What sort of cheap special effect was that?
  • 74 mins - Oh, this scene again.

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note reptilicus1.wav Grayson: "Somewhere in the forbidding tundra mountains of Lapland, high above the arctic circle, a group of mining engineers were prospecting for copper. But what they unearthed was a story, a story that was to terrorize the whole world."
Green Music Note reptilicus2.wav A Danish lounge singer. Arrrgghhh!
Green Music Note reptilicus3.wav Mrs. Miller: "If Reptilicus should be hit you'll never find all the pieces under water. He can regenerate Mark!"
Green Music Note reptilicus4.wav Sven: "They report they can't use the flamethrowers, can't get close because of the acid slime."
Grayson: "All right, we'll take other measures."

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 


 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clipreptilicus1.mpg - 2.2m
The movie's fantastic special effects really come into their own here. Reptilicus wisely doesn't aim at the troops, he sprays his acid slime all over the film.

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