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Rated R
Copyright 1975 Bryanston Distributors Inc.
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Mark Preston - William Shatner! Tries to best Corbus in a test of faith but loses and becomes an eyeless wonder.
  • Tom Preston - Tom Skerritt! He becomes involved when Mark disappears.
  • Corbus - Ernest Borgnine! High Priest of Satan on Earth, no big departure from reality there...
  • Julie Preston - Tom's woman, she's got these buggy eyes and apparently has some ESP.
  • Dr. Richards - Eddie Albert! Tom's friend and Mentor.
  • Danny - John Travolta! Cultist who you would never recognize without the credits - well maybe that chin.
  • Mrs. Preston - Matriarch of the Preston clan, her soul is demon fodder real early on.

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The Plot: 

Can you believe this cast? It's amazing! It's astounding! It scares the hell out of me! Who would have thought disco movie icon John Travolta would start out here, "Grease" was made before it but "The Devil's Rain" hit the box office first. Add Shatner to any plot with Satanists and it's going to be good, he sold something for his fame and it appears to have been the ability to speak like a regular human being.

The movie's premise is that all the characters are reincarnated forms of their ancestors who once worshipped the devil. Julie's character back then betrayed the group by stealing "the book" and they were burned at the stake. Now, years later, Corbus has risen again and only needs "the book" to secure his power.

Two reasons to see this film:
1) The cast! William Shatner, Tom Skerritt, Ernest Borgnine, John Travolta, and Eddie Albert in a goofy film about the Devil?
2) The last ten minutes of this film involves all the Satanists melting into what appears to be lime sherbet.

Though it's moderately painful, I would recommend you see this film just for the novelty of it.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • All the credits belong at a movie's beginning, accompanied by the screaming of lost souls.
  • William Shatner could overdramatize anything. Making waffles? No prob: "Got... ...make sure... ...batter, mixed... ...well."
  • Demonic rain will turn you into melted sherbert.
  • Cowboy hats look pretty gay on some people.
  • Every God-fearing man carries a shotgun into a church.
  • There's a good reason giant collars went out of style.
  • Dream sequences should be done through a serious red filter.
  • A Yamalka is about the least threatening thing you can put on the head of Satan's High Priest.
  • Satan worshipers are made of melted sherbert.
  • The Devil has a really weird looking TV and it is full of souls.
  • Don't tackle a group of thirty Satanists in hand-to-hand combat if you have a shotgun. Dumb Tom, dumb, dumb, dumb...
  • Never let a demon grab you by the forehead.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 5 mins - Man, this is bullshit, who the heck decided to lead off with the credits? Moron...
  • 7 mins - William Shatner just came in out of a monsoon but he's perfectly dry.
  • 16 mins - Now it's dry, I mean desert dry, and daylight?
  • 28 mins - Oh! A chase scene on foot!
  • 46 mins - Tom doesn't notice this guy he's holding down has no eyes until Julie points it out?
  • 56 mins - Needed a disguise so you just pulled that black robe out of your ass didn't you?
  • 61 mins - Nice, now make the gunshot match the muzzle flash.
  • 68 mins - The altar cover says, "Rege Satanas" huh? Yah man, Satan's got the ganja man...

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note devilsrain1.wav William Shatner: "Corbus!!"
Green Music Note devilsrain2.wav Julie: "I've seen churches like this in New England, it doesn't belong here."
Green Music Note devilsrain3.wav Corbus: "Martin Fife! A curse on thee and thine forevermore. I will follow thee and thy descendents for all eternity."
Green Music Note devilsrain4.wav Tom and Dr. Richards having a conversation in gibberish.

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 


 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clipdevilsrain1.mpg - 2.0m
Corbus and Mark were having a contest of faith, but the latter had a little known talisman of Christianity hidden away. Faith is a .45 semi auto baby!

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