| Future War | Runaway encounters one of the dinosaur bloodhounds. He dispatches it with a knife before stumbling into the street where Sister Ann hits him with her car. Poor guy, he survived a pitched battle aboard an interstellar spacecraft, unguided reentry into Earth's atmosphere, a cyborg hitman, dinosaurs, and then a nun with a driver's license just about kills him. |
Darksider's Realm | Time Barbarians | The Wizard frees Doran and supplies him with a time traveling sword which he uses to slice and dice for a bit. Once everyone is dispatched, he uses his low budget Excalibur to disappear into modern times. |
Side Order of Ninjas | Tenchi: The Movie | This movie reminds me a lot of Back to the Future. OK, Marty McFly never had any superpowers and had to battle a super powerful Biff in the Negative Zone. Tenchi didn't have a DeLorean. The time travel element and having to get his parents together or protect them is enough to compare it to a certain DeLorean clad time machine movie. |
The Tomb of Anubis | Time After Time | Yep, Jack the Ripper has stolen H.G. Wells's time machine and escaped into the 20th Century to begin his cleavage cleaving anew. Bet Herbie wishes he'd invented The Club before the time machine... |
WTF Film | La Jetee | Forced to live underground by the deadly radioactivity on the surface of the Earth and realizing that they are unable to rebuild the world with their present available technology, the victors begin to experiment with time travel - using their prisoners as guinea pigs. |